Anime4i (“we,” “our,” or “us”) values your security and is committed to securing your individual data. This Protection Approach clarifies how we collect, utilize, unveil, and defend your data when you visit our site [] (the “Location”) or utilize our administrations. It would be ideal if you perused this Security Arrangement carefully. If you do not concur with the terms of this Protection Approach, if you don’t mind do not get to the Site.

How We Utilize Your Information?

We utilize the data we collect in the taking after ways:

  • To give, work, and keep up our Location and services
  • To make strides, personalize, and grow our Location and services
  • To get it and analyze how you utilize our Location and services
  • To communicate with you, either straightforwardly or through one of our accomplices, counting for client benefit, to give you with upgrades and other data relating to the Location, and for promoting and special purposes
  • To prepare your exchanges and oversee your orders
  • To send you emails
  • To discover and avoid fraud
  • To comply with lawful obligations
  • How We Share Your Information?

    We do not offer or lease your individual data to third parties. We may share your data in the taking after circumstances:

  • With benefit suppliers who perform administrations on our sake, such as installment handling, information examination, e-mail conveyance, facilitating administrations, and client service
  • To comply with legitimate commitments, such as in reaction to a subpoena or comparative lawful process
  • To secure and guard our rights or property
  • With your assent or at your direction
  • Security of Your Information

    We utilize regulatory, specialized, and physical security measures to offer assistance ensure your individual data. Whereas we have taken sensible steps to secure the individual data you give to us, it would be ideal if you be mindful that no strategy of transmission over the Web, or strategy of electronic capacity is 100% secure and we cannot ensure outright security.

    Your Information Assurance Rights

    Depending on your area, you may have the taking after rights with respect to your individual information:

  • The right to get to – You have the right to ask duplicates of your individual data.
  • The right to correction – You have the right to ask that we adjust any data you accept is wrong or total data you accept is incomplete.
  • The right to eradication – You have the right to ask that we eradicate your individual information, beneath certain conditions.
  • The right to confine preparing – You have the right to ask that we confine the preparing of your individual information, beneath certain conditions.
  • The right to protest to preparing – You have the right to protest to our handling of your individual information, beneath certain conditions.
  • The right to information movability – You have the right to ask that we exchange the information that we have collected to another organization, or specifically to you, beneath certain conditions.
  • If you make a ask, we have one month to react to you. If you would like to work out any of these rights, if it’s not too much trouble contact us at our given contact information.

    Changes to This Protection Policy

    We may overhaul our Protection Arrangement from time to time. We will inform you of any changes by posting the unused Protection Arrangement on this page. You are prompted to audit this Protection Arrangement occasionally for any changes. Changes to this Protection Approach are compelling when they are posted on this page.

    Contact Us

    If you have any questions approximately this Protection Approach, if you don’t mind contact us at:

    Email: [[email protected]]

    Address: [Anime4i, 123 Anime Road, Tokyo, Japan]

    By utilizing the Location, you concur to the collection and utilize of data in understanding with this Security Arrangement.